Creative thoughts…

I was rockin’ out in my car the other day to Sugarland and was totally relating as Jennifer Nettles belted out:
 “I aint settlin’ for just getting by, had enough so so for the rest of my life. Tired of shootin’ too low, so raise the bar high, I aint settlin’ for anything less than everything!”
It was an “AHH HA” moment for me!  This is the reason I decided to start this blog in the first place.  Because I am tired of settlin’ and not doing things that I am totally passionate about!  Using my creative brain was what I was born to do!  I get totally “Twitterpated” (Remember Bambi?) when I think about doing something crafty, creative, or a theme décor.  I get lost in my project and forget to eat!!!  I have said that I am “an artist trapped in a sales reps body”!
So, what I ask of you, as readers, is for feedback, please!  Let me know when you like something, or think something could be improved.  Let me know if you have ideas, or things you would like me to write about.  I absolutely welcome your comments!  Thanks!